Guided Meditation to Remove and Heal Cord Attachments
Cutting Etheric Cords-Plus FREE E-Book!
Energy cords are a real energetic phenomena
that is lying just outside the visual spectrum.
cords not only serve for the sucking of energy, but also for gaining information
(material and spiritual) from that person, and a means to control that person. Energy Cords can also remain from our past lives including the people within them.
When this happens, we feel depleted, tired, stressed out, with the inability to focus, especially when you are around a energy draining person. We may even hold some ways of thinking from past lives, like feelings of guilt or fears and phobias of our past life experiences.
That is where this guided meditation comes in. this guided meditation will help you release those energetic cords that no longer serve the highest good of all concerned. This meditation WILL NOT cut connected cords from any type of love, only what is not serving your highest good :D
So what are you waiting for? Start feeling better by letting go of the past and disconnect from what doesn't serve you!
See you there!
Meditation is 7:32 minutes. Repeat as necessary for each person you feel the need to cut cords from.
Includes a FREE E-book with meditation tips and chakra balancing information!
Tags:best guided meditation,chakra balancing meditation,chakra meditation techniques,cord cutting,cutting cords,etheric cord cutting,etheric cords,guided chakra meditation,guided healing meditation,guided imagery meditation,guided meditation,guided relaxation,healing meditation,insight meditation,meditating,meditation exercises,meditation healing,meditation techniques,online guided meditation,power of meditation,psychic cord cutting,psychic cords,relaxation meditation,spirit guide meditation,spiritual enlightenment,
Lisa Muria
Guided Meditation to Cutting Cords
Free-E-Book with Meditation Tips and Chakra Balancing!